Rebecca Kingson

Rebecca Kingson

Editorial Director

Rebecca is married to Isaac.

Rebecca is very passionate about partnering with the Lord through prayer and intercession to establish Gods kingdom here on earth. She believes very strongly in the mandate God has given to his sons and daughters in the Body of Christ, to travail to bring to birth the features of the kingdom.

Rebecca believes God is interested in the total man. She emphasises that to effectively be part of the Royal priesthood the Lord has called us into we must strive to have a wholesome life. I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus (1 Thessalonian’s 5:23). Thus for us to be effective tools in the hands of God we must be healthy in all three parts. I wish above all things that though mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth (3 John 1:3). Rebecca runs a health group aimed at encouraging women to maintain healthy lifestyles, thus presenting themselves as Vessels of Honour meet for the Master’s use.

Rebecca is a lecturer by profession having a PGDE in English Literacy and has lectured in various colleges and settings in the North west of England. She also has a degree in International Relations, a Master’s Degree in International Law and Diplomacy and a certificate in Fitness and Nutrition.

As per Missions, Rebecca has gotten vast training and experience from Plummet Missions Ministry and has been working in the Mission field alongside her husband in various settings, both in the UK and abroad.

Her utmost desire is to see men and women fulfil Gods individual calling upon their lives. Having two teenage sons of her own as well as being involved in fostering, she has a passion to see the youth of our day discover and use their gifts and talents to fulfil the whole counsel of God for their lives. (this passion for youth and young ones is what led her and her husband to become foster carers), reaching their full potential, fulfilling Gods destiny and calling upon their lives.

Having been brought up in a background, that strongly values the importance of gaining knowledge from reading widely, Rebecca is passionate about both reading and writing Christian literature, as a means of gaining and sharing the abundant life of the Full gospel from the wells of life. She endeavours to encourage others to share in this passion.

For all these above, she is fully committed.